Spectastic API



exception spectastic.errors.FieldError(msg, location, field)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

  • msg – The associated exception message.
  • location – The location of the field e.g header, body, query.
  • field – The name of the field.
VALID_LOCATIONS = ['header', 'body', 'query', 'path']
exception spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors(errors=None)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


exception spectastic.operation.InvalidPath[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when a path does not match an operation’s route.

class spectastic.operation.Operation(schema, route, method, local_schema)[source]

Bases: object

  • schema (dict) – The overall schema for this API.
  • local_schema (dict) – The schema specific to this operation.
  • route (string) – The route for this operation.
  • method (string) – The http method for this operation.

Returns a tuple of consisting of the body parameter and it’s corresponding body schema.


Matches a request path against this operation’s route, returning an intermediate dictionary of strings for each path parameter. The resulting dictionary is not validated nor are it’s types coerced.

Return dict:A dictionary of path arguments, with keys corresponding to the case sensitive name specified in the swagger schema.
static from_schema(schema, operation_id)[source]

Returns the schema for a header parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive.

Raises:KeyError If the header is not found.

Returns a list of all header parameter schemas.


Validates a request body against the schema, yielding a FieldError for each failure.


Validates an entire request, yielding a FieldError for each failure.

Parameters:request (BasicRequest) – A request conforming to the structure outlined in BasicRequest

Validates individual request headers against the schema, yielding a FieldError for each failure.


Validates a request path against the schema, yielding a FieldError for each failure.


Validates a request query against the schema, yielding a FieldError for each failure.


Returns the schema for a path parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive.

Raises:KeyError If the query is not found.

Returns a list of all path parameter schemas.


Returns the schema for a query parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive.

Raises:KeyError If the query is not found.

Returns a list of all query parameter schemas.


Validates all components of a request.

Parameters:request – A request conforming to the structure outlined in BasicRequest
Raises:ValidationErrors When validation fails.
Return bool:True on success.

Validates a request body against the operation schema.

Raises:ValidationErrors When validation fails.
Return bool:True on success.

Validates headers against the operation.

Raises:ValidationErrors When validation fails.
Return bool:True on success.

Validates headers against the operation.

Raises:ValidationErrors When validation fails.
Return bool:True on success.

Validates the query parameters from a request.

Parameters:query_params (dict|werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict) – A dictionary like object of query parameters.
Raises:ValidationErrors When validation fails.
Return bool:True on success.
exception spectastic.operation.OperationNotFound[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised when an operation cannot be found in a schema.

spectastic.operation.coerce_param(value, schema)[source]

Coerces a named parameter within a path, query, or headers to the type specified in the appropriate schema. If the string is not properly formated, raise a FieldError.

  • value (string) – The stringified value
  • schema (dict) – The schema dictionary for the parameter.

FieldError When the primitive type is not coercible.


The value, coerced according to the parameter definition for the field named name located in location.

spectastic.operation.find_operation(schema, operation_id)[source]

Returns a tuple of the route, method and schema for an operation.

Raises:OperationNotFound When the operation_id does not exist anywhere in the sec.


class spectastic.schema.Schema(schema_dict)[source]

Bases: dict

Simple wrapper around Swagger / Open API schema’s. At some ‘semblance’ of type safety. Mostly used to resolve all references with the provided schema to make spectastic’s job easier.


Recursively resolve all refs to appropriate references within the spec dictionary.

Parameters:schema_dict (dict) – A raw, json-decoded schema.
spectastic.schema.resolve_ref(schema_dict, ref)[source]

Resolves a local ref in the form of #/definitions/dog or #/parameters/cat.

Parameters:schema_dict (dict) – A raw, json-decoded schema.


class spectastic.request.BasicRequest(body, headers, query, path)[source]

Bases: object

Demonstrates the most basic interface required by spectastic for proper request validation.

  • headers (dict) – A dictionary-like object of headers.
  • query (dict) – A dictionary-like object of query parameters.
  • body (dict) – Generally a json-encoded string, or JSON decoded dictionary.
  • path (string) – The request path of the request.

Flask Utilities


Converts a flask flask.Request to a BasicRequest


Generates a flask response from provided validation_errors.

Parameters:validation_errors (ValidationErrors) – A instance containing an aggregate of all errors discovered during request parsing.
spectastic.contrib.flask_utils.validate_route(schema, operation_id, responder=None)[source]
  • schema (Schema) – The schema to use for validation. May also be a callable that receives a flask request and returns a Schema.
  • operation_id (string) – The operation id to validate. May also be a callable that receives a flask request and returns a Schema.

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