Source code for spectastic.operation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy
from urllib2 import unquote
from itertools import chain
import jsonschema
import re

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict, Headers
from .errors import ValidationErrors, FieldError
from .validators import SwaggerValidator

# These locations are *not* intended for body params which should already
# be the correct type. All other param locations are strings.
STRINGLY_LOCATIONS = ['path', 'query', 'headers']

[docs]class OperationNotFound(Exception): """ Raised when an operation cannot be found in a schema. """
[docs]class InvalidPath(Exception): """ Raised when a path does not match an operation's route. """
[docs]def find_operation(schema, operation_id): """ Returns a tuple of the route, method and schema for an operation. :raises: :class:`OperationNotFound` When the operation_id does not exist anywhere in the sec. """ # TODO a reverse index would be quicker but would require guarantees # that the schema dictionary is immutable. for route, schema in schema['paths'].iteritems(): for method, subschema in schema.iteritems(): if subschema.get('operationId') == operation_id: return (route, method, subschema) raise OperationNotFound('Could not find {}'.format(operation_id))
[docs]def coerce_param(value, schema): """ Coerces a named parameter within a path, query, or headers to the type specified in the appropriate schema. If the string is not properly formated, raise a FieldError. :param string value: The stringified value :param dict schema: The schema dictionary for the parameter. :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` When the primitive type is not coercible. :return: The value, coerced according to the parameter definition for the field named ``name`` located in ``location``. """ location = schema['in'] name = schema['name'] if location not in STRINGLY_LOCATIONS: raise ValueError('Field location invalid, should be in: {}'.format( ', '.join(STRINGLY_LOCATIONS) )) # Open API defines 3 primitive types. They're simple enough to handle # within these conditionals without resorting to specialized methods. if schema['type'] == 'integer': if not re.match('^\-?[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*$', value): raise FieldError( 'Field {} is not an integer'.format(name), location, name, ) try: return int(value) except ValueError: raise FieldError( 'Field {} is not an integer'.format(name), location, name, ) elif schema['type'] == 'number': try: return float(value) except ValueError: raise FieldError( 'Field {} is not a number'.format(name), location, name ) elif schema['type'] == 'boolean': if value not in ['true', 'false']: raise FieldError( # flake8: noqa 'Field {} is not a boolean, expected `true` or `false` got `{}'.format(name, value), location, name ) elif value == 'true': return True elif value == 'false': return False else: raise RuntimeError('Botched boolean cooercion') elif schema['type'] == 'string': return value else: raise ValueError('Unknown type specified in schema {}'.format( schema['type'] ))
[docs]class Operation(object): @staticmethod
[docs] def from_schema(schema, operation_id): route, method, local_schema = find_operation(schema, operation_id) return Operation(schema, route, method, local_schema)
def __init__(self, schema, route, method, local_schema): """ :param dict schema: The overall schema for this API. :param dict local_schema: The schema specific to this operation. :param string route: The route for this operation. :param string method: The http method for this operation. """ self.schema = schema self.local_schema = local_schema self.route = route self.method = method.upper() # Convenience methods for accessing parameter types for this operation. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def _param_schemas(self, location): if location not in ['query', 'body', 'path', 'header']: raise ValueError('Unknown parameter location: {}'.format(location)) return { schema['name'].lower(): schema for schema in self.local_schema['parameters'] if schema['in'] == location }
[docs] def header_schemas(self): """ Returns a list of all header parameter schemas. """ return self._param_schemas('header')
[docs] def query_schemas(self): """ Returns a list of all query parameter schemas. """ return self._param_schemas('query')
[docs] def path_schemas(self): """ Returns a list of all path parameter schemas. """ return self._param_schemas('path')
[docs] def body_schema(self): """ Returns a tuple of consisting of the body parameter and it's corresponding body schema. """ for schema in self.local_schema['parameters']: if schema['in'] == 'body': return schema, schema['schema'] else: return None, {}
# Param munging. Because non-body input params arrive as strings. # Singular, case insensitive-accessors for schemas on a named parameter. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def path_schema(self, path_param_name): """ Returns the schema for a path parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive. :raises: :class:`KeyError` If the query is not found. """ path_schemas = self.path_schemas() return path_schemas[path_param_name.lower()]
[docs] def query_schema(self, query_param_name): """ Returns the schema for a query parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive. :raises: :class:`KeyError` If the query is not found. """ query_schemas = self.query_schemas() return query_schemas[query_param_name.lower()]
[docs] def header_schema(self, header_name): """ Returns the schema for a header parameter of a given name. The parameter name is case-insensitive. :raises: :class:`KeyError` If the header is not found. """ header_schemas = self.header_schemas() return header_schemas[header_name.lower()]
@property def validator(self): if not hasattr(self, '_validator'): self._validator = SwaggerValidator( self.schema, format_checker=jsonschema.draft4_format_checker, ) return self._validator @property def _path_matcher(self): """ Returns a memoized, compiled regular expression matcher built for this operations route. """ if not hasattr(self, '__path_matcher'): path_schemas = self.path_schemas() path_subs = { path_schema['name']: '(?P<{}>[^/]*)'.format( path_schema['name'] ) for path_schema in path_schemas.values() } # Swagger routes are conveniently easy to substitute. path_expr = '^{}/{}$'.format( self.schema.get('basePath','').rstrip('/'), self.route.lstrip('/').format(**path_subs) ) # If there's still braces left in the route we've missed a parameter. # in the schema and it's invalid. if '{' in path_expr or '}' in path_expr: # flake8: noqa raise RuntimeError('Unmatched parameters remain after route substitution: {}'.format(path_expr)) self.__path_matcher = re.compile(path_expr) return self.__path_matcher
[docs] def extract_path_args(self, path): """ Matches a request path against this operation's route, returning an intermediate dictionary of strings for each path parameter. The resulting dictionary is not validated nor are it's types coerced. :return dict: A dictionary of path arguments, with keys corresponding to the case sensitive name specified in the swagger schema. """ match = self._path_matcher.match(path) if match: return { key: unquote(value).decode('utf8') for key, value in match.groupdict().iteritems() } else: raise InvalidPath()
# Iterative validation methods for each parameter location. # ---------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def iter_request_body_errors(self, request_body): """ Validates a request body against the schema, yielding a :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` for each failure. """ body_param, body_schema = self.body_schema() if body_param: if body_param.get('required') == True \ and not hasattr(request_body, 'iteritems'): yield FieldError( "A request body is required and must be an object", 'body', body_param['name'] ) return for error in self.validator.iter_errors(request_body, body_schema): # Relies on our overriden 'required' validator to provide # an error path. path = error.path yield FieldError(error.message, 'body', '.'.join(map( str, path )))
[docs] def iter_request_path_errors(self, request_path): """ Validates a request path against the schema, yielding a :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` for each failure. """ path_schemas = self.path_schemas() if len(path_schemas) == 0: return params = self.extract_path_args(request_path) for param, value in params.iteritems(): param = param.lower() # The input is a string that we need to type case at least partially # before passing to jsonschema, which expects the primitive type # to be correct (as it's intended for use with json data). if param in path_schemas: schema = self.path_schema(param) try: value = coerce_param(value, schema) except FieldError: yield FieldError( 'Invalid type for {}'.format(schema['name']), 'path', schema['name'], ) for error in self.validator.iter_errors(value, schema): yield FieldError( error.message, 'path', schema['name'] ) for name, schema in path_schemas.iteritems(): if schema.get('required') == True and schema['name'] not in params: yield FieldError( 'Required path parameter is missing', 'path', schema.get('name') )
[docs] def iter_request_header_errors(self, request_headers): """ Validates individual request headers against the schema, yielding a :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` for each failure. """ header_schemas = self.header_schemas() if len(header_schemas) == 0: return request_headers = Headers(request_headers) for header, value in request_headers.iteritems(): if header in header_schemas: schema = self.header_schema(header) for error in self.validator.iter_errors(value, schema): yield FieldError(error.message, 'header', header) for name, schema in header_schemas.iteritems(): if schema.get('required') and name.lower() \ not in request_headers: yield FieldError( 'Required header is missing', 'header', schema.get('name') )
[docs] def iter_request_query_errors(self, query_params): """ Validates a request query against the schema, yielding a :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` for each failure. """ query_schemas = self.query_schemas() if len(query_schemas) == 0: return # For MultiDicts, which are preferred because http requests support # multiple query parameters of the same name, we pass the multi # argument to ensure we iterate over every query parameter. if isinstance(query_params, MultiDict): iterargs = {'multi': True} else: iterargs = {} for name, value in query_params.iteritems(**iterargs): if name in query_schemas: schema = deepcopy(self.query_schema(name)) # The required validator won't work in the context of a single # value. We remove it validate it in a subsequent loop. if 'required' in schema: schema.pop('required') try: value = coerce_param(value, schema) except FieldError: yield FieldError( 'Invalid type for {}'.format(schema['name']), 'path', schema['name'], ) for error in self.validator.iter_errors(value, schema): yield FieldError( error.message, 'query', schema['name'] ) for name, schema in query_schemas.iteritems(): if schema.get('required', False) and name not in query_params: yield FieldError( 'Required query parameter is missing', 'query', schema.get('name') )
[docs] def iter_request_errors(self, request): """ Validates an entire request, yielding a :class:`~spectastic.errors.FieldError` for each failure. :param ~spectastic.request.BasicRequest request: A request conforming to the structure outlined in :class:`~spectastic.request.BasicRequest` """ for error in chain( self.iter_request_body_errors(request.body), self.iter_request_path_errors(request.path), self.iter_request_query_errors(request.query), self.iter_request_header_errors(request.headers), ): yield error
# ValidationError raising methods for each parameter location # -----------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate_request_body(self, request_body): """ Validates a request body against the operation schema. :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors` When validation fails. :return bool: True on success. """ errors = list(self.iter_request_body_errors(request_body)) if errors: raise ValidationErrors(errors) else: return True
[docs] def validate_request_path(self, path_arguments): """ Validates headers against the operation. :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors` When validation fails. :return bool: True on success. """ errors = list(self.iter_request_path_errors(path_arguments)) if errors: raise ValidationErrors(errors) else: return True
[docs] def validate_request_headers(self, headers): """ Validates headers against the operation. :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors` When validation fails. :return bool: True on success. """ errors = list(self.iter_request_header_errors(headers)) if errors: raise ValidationErrors(errors) else: return True
[docs] def validate_request_query(self, query_params): """ Validates the query parameters from a request. :param dict|werkzeug.datastructures.MultiDict query_params: A dictionary like object of query parameters. :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors` When validation fails. :return bool: True on success. """ errors = list(self.iter_request_query_errors(query_params)) if errors: raise ValidationErrors(errors) else: return True
[docs] def validate_request(self, request): """ Validates all components of a request. :param request: A request conforming to the structure outlined in :class:`~spectastic.request.BasicRequest` :raises: :class:`~spectastic.errors.ValidationErrors` When validation fails. :return bool: True on success. """ errors = list(self.iter_request_errors(request)) if errors: raise ValidationErrors(errors) else: return True