Source code for spectastic.schema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]def resolve_ref(schema_dict, ref): """ Resolves a local ref in the form of ``#/definitions/dog`` or ``#/parameters/cat``. :param dict schema_dict: A raw, json-decoded schema. """ kind, name = ref.split('/')[1:] return schema_dict[kind][name]
def _resolve_current(schema_dict, current): """ Resolves the current local schema (a reference to a location within the schema) to it's corresponding definition, replacing '$refs' with real references. :param dict schema_dict: A raw, json-decoded schema. """ if isinstance(current, dict): if '$ref' in current: resolved = resolve_ref(schema_dict, current['$ref']) current.clear() current.update(resolved) else: for key, value in current.iteritems(): _resolve_current(schema_dict, value) elif isinstance(current, list): for key, value in enumerate(current): _resolve_current(schema_dict, value) elif isinstance(current, tuple): raise ValueError('Tuples make unhappy')
[docs]def resolve_all(schema_dict): """ Recursively resolve all refs to appropriate references within the spec dictionary. :param dict schema_dict: A raw, json-decoded schema. """ _resolve_current(schema_dict, schema_dict) return schema_dict
[docs]class Schema(dict): """ Simple wrapper around Swagger / Open API schema's. At some 'semblance' of type safety. Mostly used to resolve all references with the provided schema to make spectastic's job easier. """ def __init__(self, schema_dict): schema_dict = resolve_all(deepcopy(schema_dict)) self.update(schema_dict) super(Schema, self).__init__()