Source code for spectastic.request

import json

from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict, Headers

[docs]class BasicRequest(object): """ Demonstrates the most basic interface required by spectastic for proper request validation. """ def __init__(self, body, headers, query, path): """ :param dict headers: A dictionary-like object of headers. :param dict query: A dictionary-like object of query parameters. :param dict body: Generally a json-encoded string, or JSON decoded dictionary. :param string path: The request path of the request. """ if not hasattr(headers, 'iteritems'): raise ValueError('Headers are not dictionary-like') # Coerce headers and query. headers = Headers(headers) query = MultiDict(query) if not hasattr(query, 'iteritems'): raise ValueError('Query is not dictionary-like') if 'content-type' in headers: value = headers['content-type'] if value == 'application/json': if isinstance(body, basestring) and body == '': body = None elif isinstance(body, basestring): try: body = json.loads(body) except: raise ValueError(( 'Body could not be parsed as ' 'json despite content-type' )) self.headers = headers self.body = body self.query = query self.path = path